Health & Physical Education
If you have questions about Health, Physical Education, and Driver Education at Denbigh High School, please contact Mrs. Faye Jackson, (757) 886-7700 x.24193 or x.24668.
Learn more about Health and Physical Education in Newport News Public Schools:
- Physical Education
- Summer Outdoor Education
- HS Personal Fitness Plan
- Wellness Policy
- Health Services
Driver Education
Newport News Public Schools' Driver Education program consists of 36 hours of classroom instruction, which includes 8 hours of alcohol education. The Behind the Wheel program consists of 14 total hours (7 Driving; 7 Observation).
Students can sign up for behind the wheel only after they have successfully completed the class room portion of the program, in which students will be given a DEC-1 card (Green Card). Lost cards are $5.00.
Course Requirements
State law requires that in order to receive a Certificate of Completion for driver education a student must receive the equivalent of 36 periods of classroom instruction. Therefore, students can miss no more than 3 days during the nine weeks that they are in Driver Education and receive classroom certification (6 days for 1st period).
Students must:
Have at least 36 Classroom Periods.
Students not in class will not receive credit for that day. They can make up excused time only, after school.
Sleeping students will not receive credit for that day and will not be allowed to make up that day after school.
Time will be deducted from students leaving the classroom for any reason. All time left for tests, guidance visits, field trips Dr. Appt. can be made up after school. Rest room visits are unexcused and cannot be made up. (Attendance points given daily per student.) Students can leave room for rest room visits 2 times during the 9 weeks. SOLS WILL CAUSE A CHANGE IN TIME MISSED. See Mrs. Jackson.
Students must pass the RISK unit assessments with at least 80% accuracy.
Students must pass assessments on SIGNS with at least 90% accuracy.
Must pass the classroom portion of Driver Education with 70% or better.
Course Materials
Each student is required to come prepared for class every day.
- Notebook Pencil or Pen (black or blue)
- Driver Education Workbook (Each student will be given 1 free workbook. Lost books will require a student to purchase a new workbook for $5.00).
Green cards will be issued to those students who successfully complete the course. Lost cards will cost $5.00.
- NNPS Driver Education
- Pay Driver Ed Fees Online
- In-Vehicle Dates, 1st Semester
- In-Vehicle Dates, 2nd Semester
- In-Vehicle Dates, Summer
More Information
- Location: Todd Stadium (757) 591-4601
- Transportation: Check with classroom teacher.
- Length of Class: 14 hours, 2 hours per day
- Time: 3:15-5:20 p.m. or 5:25-7:30 p.m.
- Cost: $225 for Newport News students
Grading Information
Grading Scale
- A = 100-90
- B = 89-80
- C = 79-70
- D = 69-60
- F = 59 and below
Class Grading
- 25% - Class/Homework
- 20% - Project/Workbook
- 25% - Quiz
- 30% - Test
Semester Grading
- 40% - 1st Marking Period (Health II)
- 40% - 2nd Marking Period (Driver Education)
- 20% - Final Exam (Health II and Driver Ed)